Preserve your memories with
AuraVision digital transfer services

If you have a library of movies, photos or slides of family events that you never watch why not get us to help you produce watchable programs that tell a story. AuraVision provides digital transfer services for Cine film, video, photos and slides.


Cine film

Cine Film to DVD

Bring your film to us and we will work with you to edit your movie adding titles and music - do it now before you forget the details of the actual events.

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Video to DVD

Prolong the life of your video content by converting to DVD.
Direct non-edited transfers, or optional editing services available.

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photos and slides

Photos and Slides
to DVD

Convert your photos or slides to DVD and watch them in slide show format.

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Editing Services


Our editing services are included as part of the transfer process for Cine film and special occasion DVD's, and as an optional extra for video transfers.

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special occasion

Mobile: 0427 933 206


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